Entitled narcotic addicts rehabilitation
they are proven to be addicts narcotics, are obliged to undergo medical and social rehabilitation process.
BNN (Badan Narkotika Nasional) secretary bambang statement abhimanyu on victim outreach activities carried out in the hall narcotics prison class iia kediri, east java, on 26 april 2010.
this effort is an implementation of the provisions of law no. 35 year 2009 on narcotics, especially chapters 54, 55, 103, and 127. this law is more humane to the victims of abuse of narcotics, but tough on the dealers, importers and manufacturers of narcotics. in addition to the addicts who are old enough and the parent / guardian of the addicts who are not old enough, is obliged to report to the clinic, hospital or medical and social rehabilitation institutions designated by the government, to get recovery or rehabilitation.
obligations for the rehabilitation of addicts narcotics later reaffirmed by the government to the supreme court issued a circular letter ( sema ) no. 4 of 2010. in the sema explained that a narcotics addict who was caught by police investigators or investigators bnn and not shown to be involved in illicit narcotics, the judge can impose criminal penalties for medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation at a predetermined place.
obligation to undergo rehabilitation for abusers of narcotics for the purpose of reducing the number of consumers or narcotics market share in indonesia, so that hopefully will be a balance between supply and demand factors. policies and strategies undertaken to reduce the demand for narcotics bnn is doing rehabilitation to all addicts, increase community immunity, as well as increased efforts towards community empowerment. as a strategy to reduce the amount of available narcotics through eradication efforts or enforcement against narcotics syndicate.
besides these provisions are generally issued as policy in indonesia is still adhered to the system of public security and public health have not been on stage. that is, the efforts made in indonesia is still dominant on the field of combating abuse of narcotics, or have not been focusing on efforts to rehabilitate addicts from medical and social aspects.
policy to rehabilitate addicts narcotics an urgant need and need to be done immediately. this is to reduce or consumer market in the indonesian narcotics, narcotics cases given developments in indonesia from year to year shows an increasing trend. if in 2005, 16 252 cases occurred narcotics suspect the number 22 780 people, then in 2009 the number jumped to 30 668 suspected cases with as many as 38070 people. in addition, when viewed from the available data, 86% of drug abusers, are of childbearing age who need mental coaching and medical care. the above conditions also have implications for the ability or the capacity of prison inmates.
to accommodate the implementation of the above provisions, the current rehab bnn has called campus unitra. unitra campus with a capacity of 500 residents, located in the territory of wates jaya, cigombong, lido - bogor. resident recovery method used is therapeutic community ( community -based therapy ), medical, social, religious, acupuncture, and hypnotherapy. generally, a new patient will go through the process of detoxification or cleansing toxins from the body. after the patients entry into the program, to further follow the primary program. finally, the patient will follow the after-care program. in this stage the patient can return to parents or family while still undergoing the process of consultation or outpatient. the time it takes for a patient to undergo a rehabilitation process generally ranged between 8 months to 1 year.
to further reach out to addicts who want to get rehabilitation, bnn also implement proactive system , through outreach and mentoring task force. the task force provides free transportation service from the origin to rehab. during the year 2009, has managed to reach 249 patients from 22 provinces in indonesia.
until now, data narcotics addicts who get the court to undergo rehabilitation verdict is as follows : in jakarta there are seven addicts, addicts kendari as one person, and at upt therapy & rehabilitation bnn also one addict. ( ka )
petition terms rehabilitation
petition terms rehabilitation :
1. stamped application letter to bnn provides inter alia :
a. identity of the applicant / accused
b. applicant relationships and suspect
c. chronology and main problems description arrest suspect
2. suspect photograph 4 x 6 ( 1 sheet )
3. froto copy of marriage certificate if applicant is the husband / wife suspects
4. copy of proceedings license if the applicant is the attorney / lawyer suspects and letters from family
5. certificate of school / college / institution, if the suspect is student / student
6. letter from the workplace, if a defendant as a worker / employee
7. photocopy of the arrest warrant and arrest warrant
description of place rehgabilitasi 8. surat, if the person concerned had or currently rehabilitation process
9. letter of recommendation from an investigator, public prosecutor or judge to be rehabilitated / assessment
10. rehabilitation photocopy of application letter to investigators, public prosecutor or judge statement
11. letters stamped 12.
12. looked original arrest and detention id card copy
13. Photos parents / guardians, and suspect lawyers / attorneys
14. photocopy of family card
15. fotocopi permission of lawyers
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