one day when i become one of the assessment team when auditioning drum festival ( music ) in 2010, i saw 2 or 3 people a drummer who played with a heavy blow, but why his snare sound is still not audible ( sound anyway, but the sound slow and not sharp ). and it looks like he tried to hit hard snarenya be heard, but in vain. then i saw that he was not using the technique rimshot on his snare so that his voice was low and not sharp.
many drummers who struggled to find a good snare sound, to the extent that they replace the head, download tune snarenya with different tension and some even up to buy a new snare. they do not know the key to getting crisp and snare sounds good... that rimshot !
actually it does not hurt you are not using a rimshot. regular hitting technique often used in country songs, pop. but if you play rock, fusion, funk, latin, jazz and metal that you need is a rimshot !
if you do not already know about the rimshot, look at the picture below.

this is a regular punch. end of the stick just hit the drumhead course, the sound is not too focused especially if hit hard and will quickly become concave drumhead.

it was a blow rimshot. stick on the drumhead and rim on the snare at the same time, so that the resulting sound loud, full and sharp, with the punches as the drumhead, rim and shell will speak so much character snare drum sound. get used to playing by using this technique. this technique is a must if you want to record. so, make it a habit to use this technique on every song that you play
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